Residential Multi-Unit
Question for the community...
Is it not enough? Too much? Please explain why.
What features should be credited toward the required open space total?
Currently residential multi-unit developments such apartments or condominiums requires a maximum lot coverage of 25%, which is the same requirement as single-unit homes. The building size and parking required for this type of development makes it difficult to meet that requirement. All of the existing apartment and condominium developments in Vienna received waivers for lot coverage.
Similarly, the setbacks, or distances between the property line at the sidewalk and the faces of the buildings, match the regulations of the most restrictive single-unit house zone, RS-16. Most of the existing apartment and condominium developments in Vienna received waivers for the front setback.
The draft code proposes requiring a minimum open space area instead of a lot coverage maximum. The purpose of the proposed change is to ensure the development has ample useable space that benefits the residents of the development as well as making it aesthetically pleasing for the whole community.
The proposed change to the front yard setback from 35-feet to 20-feet is consistent with the approvals for existing developments in Vienna.
The current proposal includes an open space requirement of 30% of the site for multi-unit buildings and townhomes.
Open lawn area, Play equipment, Gazebos and other shade structures, Courtyards, Swimming pool or other outdoor recreational facilities, Pet areas, Rooftop decks, Planted buffer areas, Other...